
Waaaa-Hoooo it's Wednesday...

Happy HUMP DAY everyone...
There is just nothing that I love more than the 1/2 way to the weekend marker combined with payday.
Today is a super exciting Wednesday because at 5 o'clock today I will be settling in at the
wellness day spa for a much needed MASSAGE.

I just can not express how excited I am for this treat.

Also on the menu for this evening a few more of my Wednesday favs...
New Episodes of DUCK DYNASTY

I really can't quite figure out what it is about this show that I love so much...
I don't like hunting and I hate camo but for some reason or another
I now catch myself laying on my sofa every Wednesday night laughing hysterically 
at frog gigging and wishing that I had a triple threat

that I could walk around the house blowing on every time
Rusty starts playing the same lick repeatedly on the guitar.


Also thanks to my girlfriend Lesley I am super pumped about

how have I been missing out on this sinful drama???
Thanks to primetime on demand I am now all caught up and ready for tonight's
special flash back episode and next weeks NEW episode. 
Thanks Lesley... just what I needed another show on my MUST WATCH list :)

What's on your Wednesday watch list?
(comment and let me know if I'm missing anything)


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