
Its been too long...

Hello Everyone...
I hope that you have all had a wonderful past few weeks and I can't believe that I have been so slack in my writing.  I have had a depressing few weeks and just haven't had much to say or do for that matter. Since I use this blog as a place to share the beautiful things going on in my life I am moving on from all that is sad and I am going to share a few fun pics from Easter weekend with the family.

Here are a couple of all the Efland ladies out enjoying the beautiful sunshine
a few drinks and most importantly each others company :)  

no spring holiday weekend is complete without fresh berry cocktails

and there are always guitars

Meghan and I out enjoying Granny's
beautiful spring yard.

My loves...

Hope that you all had a beautiful holiday weekend
 and were able to spend it with the ones that you love.



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