
Exciting Things Happening....

First of all, last night I received the most precious text from my very best friend Shelly...

I could never express how excited that I am for this engagement news. I am getting tears just writing this because
I am overwhelmed with excitement.  Shelly & Anna you are two of the most amazing people that
I know and I hope that all of your dreams come true.  I am so happy for the two of you!!!
I love you both, ALWAYS!!!!!
(Shelly BTW- your tan looks amazing and I am beyond jealous that your in PR right now)
*send me some summer sister swag*

Also in less than three weeks Rusty and I will be boarding a plane and headed here...

here we come
(yes that sand is really that white)

Ready for some fun in the sun with my man!!!!
Also bonus not only will be vacationing in sunny Florida for a week but also getting in a visit with 
Mom for Mother's Day :) All smiles here.

Also hello it's FRIDAY people...
the most exciting day of the week!!!

My next post will be all of the Yummies I promised yesterday with recipes
made, tasted, and approved by yours truly :) 

Ta-ta for now my lovies


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