
Tea Talk

Home again today... Still sick.
I hate being Sick.

Okay so since I am now working on day two of being at home on the sofa here is a bit of 
hot tea talk for you...

Do not even get me started on how excited I am about this
MAY 14
 Can't freaking wait!!!
#Emily #bachelorette

Could Revenge get any better?
I am so hooked on this show its ridiculous...
What oh what will Amanda I mean Emily plot now???

I am not typically a huge fan of this show but since I have had an abundance of time to spend watching television I thought that the cast did a fabulous tribute to Ms. Whitney.
"Saving all my love for you"

and of course this girl... 
(if you aren't watching this show we shouldn't be friends)
Jess is just a little dapple of sunlight :)

on another note... is anyone rushing out first thing Saturday morning to buy this $8 dollar dress at old navy? (one day sale only) It was advertised so many times last night during revenge that I feel like I should own it in at least three colors.

ummm... about this!
Is there really enough room for both of your egos in a relationship?
Is the world really not over both of you already?

Last but certainly not least...
The wait is over... I will officially be begging Rusty to take me to see this over the weekend.
Why do I love wedding movies so much? It's a bit ridiculous... you should see my movie collection I would say that 50% of the DVDs in our entertainment cabinet are pink and may or may not have a bride/wedding dress on the front. 

Well there you have it a bit of hot tea talk
straight from the teal sofa in the Love Nest.


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