

I have started running.


I am absolutely not to the point of loving it, however yesterday for the first time I was able to RUN (not walk) and keep up with Rusty.  For those of you who do not know Rusty, other than him being my ridiculously charming boyfriend he is athletic. (understatement) This fool can eat whatever he wants lay around for weeks and then still run laps around me, always.  This is both encouraging and discouraging at the same time- not sure how that is even possible but its a fact.  When Rusty and I first started dating I decided one day that I would try to impress him with my athletic abilities (j/k) so I laced up and headed to the track to RUN with him, it went something like this...

Rusty: "Are you really going to run with me or should I take my ipod?"

Me: "YES!!!  I can run Rusty I used to run when I was in school!" (Lie 1)

Rusty: "Okay, lets go!"

We arrive at the track. We start running.

I start out way too fast (inexperienced runner ) sprinted about a quarter of the way around the track before I came to a dead stop, winded, cramping (clearly not living up to the "runner" that I had claimed to be).

Rusty: "What's wrong with you????  I thought you ran all the time in school??"

Me: "Shut-up Rusty! I haven't been in school for almost six years, clearly I am not as in shape as I thought!"

(insert Rusty laughing hysterically here)

Lesson learned.  Don't lie to your athletic boyfriend about being some sort of runner. He WILL put you to the test, he WILL laugh at you winded on the sidelines, and he WILL share this story a few thousand times with anyone who brings up running!!!!! Now you know a little of the story and why I am beyond excited that I could run more than a quarter of a mile keeping up with my boyfriend. (almost 4 years later)  I am in no way claiming to be up to par but just keeping up for a bit was very exciting for me. My goal is a 5k, and then hopefully to work my way up from there.  Why? Mostly because its high time I get off the couch and do something with myself, it's now been almost 10 years since my self-proclaimed running days, and if that isn't inspiration enough my Mom is running a 1/2 Marathon this weekend for her birthday!!!! Go Mom Go!!!

Happy Friday friends and fellow runners!!