For me it's a little hard to believe that we are already saying goodbye to January!!!??!! How did that happen so fast? I wanted to make sure that when I started this blog to touch base on a few of my favorite things and inspirations throughout each month. Since I am now already finding myself saying goodbye I thought no better time than the present to look back on what I have been scoping out and pinning this month!!!
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The first thing on this January list...
Still swooning over all of the faux fur showing up on the sidewalks everywhere. I just love it and I have still been sporting around my own DIY version that I made just before the New Year Holiday.
via pinterest |
Okay so the next thing on my list has got to be neon's... Its slowly taking over my glitter obsession! Okay so NOTHING could ever take over that but its defiantly running in a close second and its starting to pop up in all kinds of unexpected places...
here I don't know that I could go so far as to say I will be painting my kitchen door but I really love the bright pop of color... it's so fun! I am sure for me neon will frequent, my fingers and toes much more than the interior of our love nest, (I'm sure Rusty will appreciate that) but I do truly adore the brightness. I guess that leaves me with my last OBSESSION... MY LEOPARD PRINT SHOES. TRUTH... This is not just a January obsession its a constant obsession that has taken over my life... (Don't you just love the neon/pink bow clips that I made to jazz these dolls up?) I know that they are out there somewhere. So until that glorious day when I am united with yet another perfect pair... I will keep obsessively looking, pinning, and trying on every leopard pair I see!!! xoxo A your NeonLeopardFur January obsessed friend ;) |
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