
Happy New Year 2012

Bringing in the New Year is always fun for me...
It's a time of year that I don't dread or hate. It's the one holiday of the year that I normally get to choose where and whom I will be spending it with.  I have done it all... I have brought in the New Year from the comfort of my own home, from the beach, from huge night clubs, and even from the Big Apple. I love the excitment of the countdown and the ball drop, I love the fact that the drink of choice is Champange (my absolute favorite) and that you typically start it out with a kiss!
What's not to love?

This year we decided to bring in the new year in Maryland with my family.
It was a very fun and relaxing weekend.
The perfect way to start 2012
Our Trip via pictures...
Me Ready for the Road Trip
Taken in Chestertown just before sunset
with my sweet fella
I did some shopping... Of Course
Happy New Year 2012
Love The Fun Couple
New Years day brunch with the fam.
Hanging with the boys... Not sure why Rusty made this horrible FACE.
New Years Traditional Dinner
Just dance for a fun after dinner workout

Thanks so Much for having us Uncle Herman and Aunt Barbara!!!


Happy New Years Everyone!


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